Recorded: October 23rd, 2009
1. Running Into Time
2. Battleship Chains
3. Tim & Jim Talk
4. Lawyers, Guns, and Money
5. Tim & Jim Talk ll
6. The Air That I Breathe / Creep
7. Home Again
8. Invitation
9. Never On Sunday
10. The Pink Panther Theme
11. Have A Cigar
12. Feet In My Shoes
13. Carmelita
14. That’s That
15. You Need A Man
16. One Way Out
17. Life On Fire
18. Yer So Bad
19. I’d Love To Change The World
20. Dueling Banjos
21. Freebird Problem
22. Locomotive Breath
23. Bad Luck
24. Tim and Jim Talk and Drink and Talk and Drink
25. North Beach Tuesday
26. What Are You Afraid Of
27. Glass Thimble / Kashmir
28. Different For Girls / There She Goes
29. Peace, Love, And Understanding
30. A Man You Don’t Meet Everyday / Romeo and Juliet
31. Something To Remember Me By
32. Alibis
33. Folsom Prison Blues
34. Hey Joe
35. Shaving Cream
36. Surrender
1. MEDLEY: Running Into Time / Jennie (876-5309) / Poor Poor Pitiful Me
This is the third in a series of Tim and Jim concerts that Tim’s wife, Susan, and I are releasing.
It was recorded live by Keith Erickson at Hayden’s Lakefront in Tualatin, OR.
Here’s what I like about this particular show:
I had just returned from three weeks in Europe with my wife.
I was very excited to see Tim and to play.
Got to Hayden’s that night. Hardly anyone there. Dang.
But that’s okay, I’d rather play to a small enthusiastic group than a large oil painting of an audience any day.
And that’s what this group was; they were happy to be there and it made us not only have a great time, but also experiment a bit with songs we’d never played, new arrangements on the fly, and telling some stories as it was a more intimate evening.
Current events ended up replacing lyrics in songs, people were trying to get up on stage with us, folks were buying us shot after shot…it was a scene, man.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Uh, what happened again?
Susan Ellis and I plan on releasing these shows one at a time, for as long as the material holds out.
And thank you for your time -
Hayden’s Lakefront. Tualatin, OR.
Tim Ellis - Guitar, Vocals
Jim Walker - Vocals, Guitar
Label / Thon Music
Recordist / Keith Erickson
Editor / Jim Walker
Facility / Studio 515. Portland, OR
Art Direction / Jim Walker
Running Time / 2:48:21
Tim Ellis - Guitar, Vocals
Jim Walker - Vocals, Guitar
Recordist / Unknown
Producers / Jim Walker / Tim Ellis
Facility / Southlake Church. Portland, OR
I'm so glad to be able to share this music with you.
Tim and I were never much good at archiving our live shows so I'm so very glad and grateful to Keith for doing it. He has accidentally become our sole historian and archivist.
Thanks, Keith.
(Big salute!)
And thank you for your valuable time -