On the roof of the Chelsea Hotel. Quite a drop to the ground below.
Many people lived up here. Dead ones are the ones I know.
With a moment to myself. Listening to the camera whine.
Yellow Cabs sounding good in the street. Radio plays something unkind.
Beautiful girls. Beautiful boys. It’s beautiful.
Beautiful credit cards buy beautiful things. It’s beautiful.
An arm and a leg for a drink at the bar. It’s beautiful.
Charge it up to the room. Beautiful me.
Beautiful, beautiful me.
A man lives in balconied room. He’s got a face like a bag of hammers.
Tells us all he’s a dying breed. In his bathrobe and silk pajamas.
He’s been here since the world began. No children - no wife.
His Russian girlfriend smokes on the couch. He must have a very fine life.
Beautiful boys. Beautiful girls. It’s beautiful.
Beautiful credit cards buy beautiful youth. It’s beautiful.
An arm and a leg for a drink at the bar. It’s beautiful.
Charge it up to the room. Beautiful me.
Beautiful, beautiful me.
I see the Empire State and the Garden.
And all the empty space in the harbor.
Model sleeps on a red chaise lounge. By her side is a silent hound.
I grift off everybody’s lunch then take a lift from the tenth floor down.
Spill out in to the crowd. Buy some paper and a brand new pen.
Through the Village to the hotel room to drink another damn song again.
Beautiful girls. Beautiful boys. It’s beautiful.
Beautiful credit cards buy beautiful dreams. It’s beautiful.
An arm and a leg for a drink at the bar. It’s beautiful.
Charge it up to the room. Beautiful me.
Charge it up to the room. Beautiful me.
Jim Walker - Lead Vocal, BG Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keys, Percussion,
Drum Programming.