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Drag your chair up to me. Slip me the glass and bottle.

These are the tales of terror. Oh, how they gun and throttle.

You’re climbing into someone else’s skin.

Just for an instant realize that there’s no job too dirty.


He’s got the look of power. Of dead and heavy wisdom.

Any human caring is just another symptom.

He’s heating up the pliers on the stove,

and in a flash of his gold teeth you’ll see that there’s no job too dirty.


You’ve got it all in writing, in disappearing ink.

Rubbing off the pages even before you blink.

Is it a role you’re playing? Has it become your real life?

You look like yonu can read my thoughts.


In the Daily Dirt, before the headlines dry,

you’re reading all about it through someone else’s eyes.

They tell you what they think that you would like to hear.

You bear the brunt. You clean the mess.

Get this...there is no job too dirty.


His mug shot is hanging. You say watch the birdie.

But it’s just a smokescreen. There is no job too dirty.


Now, you’ve blown your cool front. Now, you’re caught in the clutches.

Saying, I did not do it!  All of you such and suches.

You best keep this yarn wrapped tight beneath your hat.

Young or old, man and beast be damned there is no job too 




Terrible Pictures Of Harriet:

Tim Ellis - Acoustic Guitar / Solo

Nancy Hess - Bg Vx

Myrrh Larsen - Bg Vx

Albert Reda - Bass

Jim Walker - Acoustic Guitar, Keys, Percussion, Samples, 

Lead Vx, Bg Vx

Susannah Weaver -  - Bg Vx, (Lead Vx on bridge)


Body Of Water:

Lead vocals - Cara Parker, Sara Gray, Alia Cuadros-Contreras, Bella Wilcox, Audrey Forrester,  Shayan Hooshmand, Elizabeth McCole, 

Background Vocals - Company

Jess Feeman - Drums

Will Kast - Guitar

Jim Walker - Bass, Guitar

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