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It’s not enough to draw your sword,

and call the Lord and cry about it.

You’ve made your bed in a dangerous place.

The sour face that just about fits.

Guilty conscience buries the fear with you.

Your dull eyes haven’t a clue.


What’s in your heart?

What’s in your scream?

What’s on your mind, my weeping queen?


Hang on a cross, born to lose.

Brand new shoes. The heels are broken.

Reach out of Hell to grab the blue from Heaven true.

Blood-fire has spoken.

Sister Judas, mourning the ashes gray.

These skirts have nothing to say.


What’s in your heart?

What’s in your scream?

What’s on your mind, my weeping queen?


Light on your feet, and light in your head.

Good as gold, and good as dead.

Now it’s pound-bang-boom from your drumbeat voice.


Guilty conscience buries the fear with you.

Your dull eyes haven’t a clue.


What’s in your heart?

What’s in your scream?

What’s on your mind, my weeping queen?


Jim Walker - Lead Vocal, Keys.

The Puzzle Factory (Cover Art) larger.jpeg
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