Release Date: May 15th, 2023
3. Anyday
4. Tin Can
7. Anytime
11. Mary's House
12. Left Turn
All songs written by
James Stanley Walker
C&P 2023 Thon Music (ASCAP)
All Rights Reserved.
What makes a man tick?
Sheesh, I don’t know.
I really only have myself to go by, and that ain’t much of a road map.
But I think about it a lot…
I write a lot of songs about characters who are right on the edge of crisis.
It’s something that’s always interested me.
Unstable people in emotional free-falls.
I’m curious about it.
It’s a subject I keep coming back to.
I wonder:
How did the character get to this point?
Is this it? Is this the end for them?
Can they save themselves? How?
Can they be saved by someone else? Again, how?
And should they be saved at all?
This album is about one of those characters.
It’s about what makes this particular man tick.
A man who discovers that he has a brief, glance of an interest in something, which eventually sparks a somewhat unhealthy curiousity.
The curiousity becomes a hobby that passes the man’s time.
Then after awhile, the hobby is no longer passing the man’s time, it’s filling it.
It becomes an obsession.
This obsession begins occupying his every waking hour.
Nothing else seems to make any sense to him.
It’s not long before he becomes unmoored from reality.
His family and friends try with all their hearts to help him. But it’s useless, they’re soon alienated from him.
He begins to search out people that think the ways he thinks and believe the way he way he believes.
And with a few clicks, he finds them.
He decides to reach out.
To just dip his toes into the water a bit.
He’s just gonna go say hi.
So…what makes a man tick?
Label - Thon Music
Produced, Recorded and Engineered by Jim Walker between 4.19.2021 - 2.3.2023
Facility - Studio 515. Portland, OR
Art Direction / Jim Walker
Mastered by Ryan Foster at Foster Mastering 2.18.2023
Running Time / 48:00
Release Date - May 15th, 2023
Jim Walker - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Percussion, Programming
Beth Britton - Co-Lead vocal on Get It From You